Monday, October 28, 2013


Wow.  I've been neglectful for over ten months...  Sorry!  My only excuse is that I have a job and have trouble finding time for interesting makeup and testing things out.  This weekend was a Halloween party, though, so I had to break through my tiredness and have some fun!  I decided to go as Oblina from "AAAH!  Real Monsters!" because she has been, still is, and always will be a favorite cartoon character of mine.

Love these guys
I tried to find stuffed big lips to complete the look, but apparently they are only available on Valentine's Day, so I decided to be a human version of Oblina.  After putting it all together, I realized the costume could be interpreted as several people/characters (that are all cool):  A female Beetlejuice, a deranged Harley Quinn in prison stripes, Helena Bonham Carter in any given movie role or in real life, or some degree of a goth/punk.  Still works for me.

My favorite reaction to my costume was from my friend T.J,  The conversation went thusly (Almost verbatim)

T.J.:  So what are you supposed to be?
Me:  It can be interpreted different ways, but my vision was for Oblina from "AAAH!  Real Monsters!"
T.J.:  What's that?
Me:  90's Nickelodeon cartoon.  I loved it so much as a kid.
T.J.:  What else did people guess?
Me:  Oh, Beetlejuice, Harl...
T.J.:  Oh, shit!  I just realized who you were talking about.  I know the show and now remember the monster.  Damn!  That's awesome!

'Twas a fun night, my first time in forever dragging out the wild makeup and having fun with it.