Friday, July 15, 2011

Quick Fixes for Day-Of Disasters

It happens to all of us- there's a big event on the day when everything that could go wrong with your face happens.  It is frustrating, but most things can be fixed if tackled first thing in the morning or right before makeup application.  I'll present a few scenarios and their quick fixes.  Note: these solutions are only temporary, perfect for day-of problems.  Some of them are not recommended for long-term use.

Let's take it from the top:

Tired eyes:  So, the night before a big party, dance, or event is always the night where you cannot get any sleep at all because of excitement, stress, or a cruel universe.  Red eyes, dark circles, and puffiness can really bring down anyone.  To counter the puffiness under the eyes, use a cream with caffeine in it or use two freshly used and cooled teabags.  If you go the tea route, use green or white teabags to prevent staining your skin.  For red eyes, there are so many eye drops on the market that target redness.  My personal choice is Rhoto V  Arctic.  It wakes your eyes up because it's so cold-feeling and it  makes your eyes look snow white!  (It is not meant for everyday use, though.  Only special occasions!)  Dark circles can be taken care of by using a color corrector (Mentioned in a previous post.) and concealer.  If you treat the puff in the morning and the rest right before makeup, no one will know about you staying up until 4 watching infomercials.  ;)

Dry, flaky skin:  Along with losing sleep, the air in your room seems to get extra dry in your room (very true of hotels) and it sucks all the moisture out of you.  If your skin is just tight, use a moisturizer to replenish your skin.  If you are also flaking, gently exfoliate with a little sugar (it's really gentle) and moisturize.

Acne:  This one is tricky because there are so many forms, each of which need to be treated differently.  If you have a whitehead that is ready to pop, wet a washcloth with warm water (hotter side of warm, really) and  hold it gently on the blemish.  If you're lucky, the head will soften and press out easily upon removal of the cloth.  After clearing the gunk out, wash your face as normal and add a little spot treatment to the pimple's remains.  If it is a weekend and you aren't going out until the evening for the event, you can take an extra step.  Thirty minutes after the spot-treating, you can apply an antibiotic ointmet and an bandage to help the skin heal.  If it's  a whitehead that hasn't come to a head, do everything in the previous section minus the washcloth and extraction.  If you have blackheads, use a pore strip before washing your face to really clear the pores and splash a little cold water or run an ice cube over the area.

Chapped lips:  This is my biggest problem because my lips are notoriously dry.  If I ever forget my lipbalm, my lips are screwed, especially if I want to wear a dramatic lip color that picks up any patchiness on my lips.  If you wake up with this problem, run some moisturizer over your mouth and slather on lip balm.  If you have flakes, use one that can exfoliate as well.  Carmex is my night time treatment because it has just enough salicylic acid to take care of the flakes without drying my lips.  Any lip balm is great for moisture, especially if it has cocoa or shea butter.  Petroleum jelly works as well for taking care of dryness.  When you get to you lips in your makeup routine, be sure to use a thin layer of lip balm as a layer of moisture before your lip product.  Usually, I encourage trying different textures for lipstick, but one type that should not be used if your lips are chapped is matte lipstick.  It is very drying and would just make you feel miserable.  If you like the matte look, use a satin finish lipstick because it is very close to matte, but not as drying.

I hope that you all find these tips helpful to know but don't go through these problems before every special occasion!


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