Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another Blast From the Past: Makeup Sponge Trick

Today, there was something I had to do before going to the grocery store because I wasn't careful:  get rid of the white deodorant marks from my shirt.  This is one of those techniques I've been doing since high school because it works quickly and effectively.

Quick story about how I learned this trick:  When I picked up my issue of Seventeen (At some point in my high school career, I don't remember the year), they were raving about these special sponges to get rid of deodorant marks.  It intrigued me until I saw the product and the price.  It was a packet with two round makeup sponges for $15!  I'm not even kidding.  I laughed so hard at the article.  At least it let me know that you can use a makeup sponge to get rid of those white streaks.

Now for the actual (very simple) technique.  Hold the streaked fabric taut and use little pushes to move the sponge down the deodorant marks.  Keep doing this until all the white is gone.  That's it!  It's simple, but it works wonders for clothes!
